Friday, November 05, 2004

Contract With America

So what's our variation?

Promise with America
New American Convenant
Compact with America


jkd said...

I think that while we can learn from what the BOP did, we needn't rip pages entirely out of their playbook while replacing "Republican" with "Democrat."
One way of doing this differently would be for the Democratic "Contract with America" to include harnessing the enormous grasroots activist energy for good works - neighborhood cleanups, staffing soup kitchens, etc. - but to do it explicity AS DEMOCRATS. So that people are confronted with the physical reality of Democrats' agenda.

aaron said...

JKD I like the idea of Democrats building on the grassroots support and cohesion that came from 2003-2004. I wonder if we are basically doomed to face "they are remaking themselves" charges no matter what. Which doesn't suggest just doing a find and replace Republican for Democrat.

The Dean Corps, grassroots for good works style approach seems promising. It's good on values. It's hopeful. It doesn't rely on the government to be a part of the solution. It's both localized and national. I like it.