Thursday, December 16, 2004

See, There Was This Girl...

And her name was Jenna Bush. Did you hear that she will soon be working at a charter school in D.C.? Take this with a grain of salt (as you should given the Kevin Baconness of the degree to which I know this person) but she will be a teaching assistant whom the students call "Miss Jenna." Her primary responsibilities will include leading reading groups. It's unclear whether the students have actually realized "Miss Jenna" is the daughter of President Bush -- a fact that may prompt some untoward sixth-graders to cause a stir.

A few thoughts here: we always need more teachers, so fine. Should sixth-graders be able to recognize the President's family members? I think probably.

When did this blog get all Drudge-y? I'll try to post more enlightening items in the future...

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