Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Heightened Awareness

So I was sorting through my mail this morning and I saw a fundraising appeal for a local homeless shelter. The basic message was that we should donate so they can serve Thanksgiving meals to those less fortunate. I started to think, why is this so powerful at this time of year.... (obvious question). I think it's because it's the time when I'm most aware of all that I have (the holiday season, really).

Which prompted this thought: goups that work for gay marriage should have a fundraising appeal/approach that targets their straight donors on or around their anniversaries. The idea being that couples, who are, at that time most aware of the blessing of a love untrammeled by stigma, would be most generous at that time. I'm not sure how to operationalize that fundraising appeal. But I offer it up as a thought.

Are there other appeals that progressives can make that make use of the power of heightened awarness to increase generosity, or action?

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