Monday, November 29, 2004

My 15 minutes

Emily Thorson asked me to look at a site she was working on: I checked it out and posted a brief summary of my view on morals and politics. The day after thanksgiving my posting along with several others gets published in the New York Times. I was part of an SEIU ad. How about that.
What did I have to say:
"I believe in an American politics where a shared respect for and responsibilty towards ones neighbor governs individual actions. Where the prosperity of the nation is not simply measured in stock tape but in grocery receipts and school report cards. It is a morality born of the belief that we do better when we all do better. That government may not solve all our problems, and should never be asked to, it does represent a collection of people capable of effecting worthwhile change. I believe in Democratic values like responsibility (for ones children, the environment, and our place within the word) hope, and faith. Faith in the power of people to address and mutually solve the problems they face. "

I was pleased with the line about grocery receipts and stock tape.

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